Drawing the human figure plus a library of figure drawing e-books in PDF format.Click on a picture for more pictures.
Click on the links above for more ebooks. To purchase an e-book click on the link. The e-books are believed to be in the public domain based on their age. If you have information to the contrary, please email me immediately. You can find an email link on pages describing each e-book.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I get my ebook?
When you use Google Checkout, after making your Google Checkout payment using you credit card, please email me, tell me you have made a payment, and which ebook you have ordered. I will send you the link to the download information.
I should get an automatic notice from Google Checkout, but it has been known to go to my Yahoo email address spam folder, so to be safe, email me. lifedraw2005@yahoo.com
Why is Google Checkout not an instant download?
Google Checkout does not offer a custom return link to each of these ebooks.
I get an email notification when you order an ebook using Google Checkout and can respond to it. (I am not hanging out by the computer all day so I will respond when I check my email.) It is helpful if you would email me directly so I have your actual email address in case there is a problem.
I don't compile email addresses or send out newsletters from your personal correspondence. I might decide to do that some day, if there is an interest, but there will be a sign up form.
I ordered by echeck or Google Checkout, why haven't I heard from you?
Please make sure that your email will accept email from me. If you have questions about your spam filter, please add my email address to your contacts list.
I am having trouble with the user name and password?
If you choose to cut and paste the user name and password, you may have picked up an extra blank space, the software recognizes this as a character and disallows the password.
Try typing the password instead.
If you are still having problems, make sure your caps lock button is off.
If you are still having problems, it is probably not your doing, so please email me and I will check out what is wrong.
I am still having trouble with the user name and password?
On some connections the files are slow to download and it seems like nothing is happening since there is no meter to tell you how much is downloaded.
In that case it is helpful to just go to the directory rather than the file. That way you can be sure you have entered the password correctly.
For instance go to:
This directory does not require a log-in, but you can see the files and just click on the file or each file in turn for those ebooks which I have divided into files.
To keep the page open and to open the PDF file in a new window either right click on a Windows PC, or drag the link to the desk top on an Apple computer then click on it to open it.
The file won't open?
Make sure you have a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.
If you do not have a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader you may download
a free copy of the latest version here:
Acrobat Reader Download Site
I am having trouble opening the file on my Mac
I have a Mac and a PC. On the Mac when I am using Safari and click on the link to open the file Safari just seems to stall. Don't know why.
What does work though is to click on the link using the Firefox browser.
When you click on the link in Firefox a dialog box opens and you are given a choice to open the file in Preview or download it.
If you open the file in Preview, be sure to save a copy before you close Preview, or you will have to go back to the download site.
I plan to print out the ebook, will it fit on standard size paper?
I have taken some care to make sure each of the ebooks will print each page on a single 8.5" x 11" piece of paper.
How big are the files?
The ebooks are of various sizes but I have divided up the bigger ones into chapters mainly so I can email problem chapters using the file size limits in my yahoo email account but also so they don't time out on download. You can always re-access the download page by bookmarking it or by contacting me.
How can I advertise on the site?
Ads are mostly supplied by Google Adwords.
What if I am not satisfied?
If you are not happy I don't want your money, I'll refund it no questions asked. The easiest way is by Paypal, paypal takes a small handling charge.
Where do these books come from?
I have been searching for some time for out of print drawing books which are hard to find but interesting to today's student of the arts and are in the public domain. You may be able to find your own copy at of these out of print books at Abebooks.com, use this link to search:
Another source of out of print books is
, you can use this search box to look for the book you are interested in:
You can sometimes
Find hard to find items on eBay!
, use this link to search for the one you are interested in: