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How to Draw Eyes

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how to draw eyes
Figure Drawing and Composition, Richard G. Hatton

The eyeball is located in a socket in the skull. The socket itself is roughly rectangular and slanted slightly down to the outside of the face.
In this drawing A is the upper notch of the eye socket and corresponds to the greatest rise of the eyelid. B is the boney outer top edge of the eye socket and corresponds with the fleshy buldge above the eye. C is the boney outer structure of the eye socket which is relected in the shape of the skin at tht point. D is the lower outer edge of the eye socket. E is the lower lid. F is the smoothest part of the eye socket. H is a nasal bone. I is the lower border. J is the ridge toward the nose. L is the inner side of the upper border is runs over a trochlea or pulley with which one of the muscles of the eye works.

Ebook of Figure Drawing By Richard G. Hatton here.

Figure drawing and composition;: Being a number of hints for the student and designer upon the treatment of the human figure,Buy a copy at

Figure drawing and composition: Being a number of hints for the student and designer upon the treatment of the human figure by Richard G. Hatton Another copy at

Figure Drawing (A Companion to Figure Composition) Similar book by the same author at

As with the head is is useful to have a knowledge of the skeletal structure.

how to draw eyes
A simple sketch to indicate eyes.
how to draw eyes
The sketch is more evolved. Practice the last 3 drawings.
how to draw eyes
Two eyes, one is the mirror image of the other.
how to draw eyes
Eyebrows are neither a a straight line nor an arc. Instead draw the eyebrow as a downturn toward the outside of the eye socket.
how to draw eyes
Eyebrows show expression.

Use the eyes to indicate expression, or to draw the eye of the viewer into the picture to show what you want to show.

Simple Sketching, by L. A. Doust
Simple sketching: How to turn your ideas and impressions into pictures Buy a copy at
Simple Sketching The 1957 Edition at

Buchanan's Drawing Lessons
Buchanan's Initiatory Drawing Lessons
For the Use of Writing Academies and Private Families
Edinburgh, 1828

Elements of Drawing Drawing From the Life - Parts of the Human Body, By PROF. EDWARD STIEFEL see the ebook.

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