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How to Draw Heads

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"un montòn de recursos para dibujar cabezas y el parte por parte de la cara."
Catedra Wolkowicz

How to Draw Heads and Faces
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how to draw heads
Art Drawing Made Easy, Campana's Popular Art Library
Art drawing made easy (Campana's popular art library) at
Art Drawing Made Easy Another copy at

The Human Head: A Correct Delineation of the Anatomy, Expressions, Features, Proportions and Positions of the Head and Face by Prof. Louis Bail, a new edition, see more at The Human Head or the blog here and here.

The head is a round object, so make sure the eyes, nose and mouth align with imaginary lines when drawing the head at a tilt.

how to draw heads
how to draw heads
Cartooning plus Good Drawing, by Petey (Harriet Weaver)

The head is divided in half along the line of the eyes. The distance from the eyebrow it the center of the eye is approximately one fifth of the overall distance between the center of the eye and the tip of the chin.
The skull forms the structure so it is good to have a working knowledge of its form. The eyes, ears, nose and mouth are seen in perspective as the head assumes various tilts.
Cartooning plus good drawing, Buy a copy at

Buchanan's Initiatory Drawing Lessons
For the Use of Writing Academies and Private Families
Edinburgh, 1828

How to Draw the Head in Light and Shade
How to Draw the Human Head: Techniques and Anatomy
How to Draw Heads and Portraits (Watson-Guptill Artists Library)

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