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How to Draw Anatomy

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how to draw anatomy
Anatomy for Art Students, Arthur Thomson
Range of extension in the dorsal region.

how to draw anatomy how to draw anatomy
Anatomy for Art Students, Arthur Thomson

Here's what Arthur Thomson has to say about how to use the book in his introduction to the first edition, "A word or two as to how the subject s should be studied. Let the student in the first place familiarize himself with the forms of the bones by rapid sketches of them in different positions. Especially is this necessary where the limbs are foreshortened. Having acquired this knowledge, let him then proceed to the study of the model. It is hoped that with the aid of the plates and their accompanying keys he will be able to determine for himself the form and position of the structures on which the surface contours depend. Assist the eye where possible with the hand, and, by rapid and sudden changes of position ascertain precisely the nature of the underlying cause."

how to draw anatomy
Anatomy for Art Students, Arthur Thomson

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