How to Draw by Leon Barritt
Drawing Made Easy A complete course in drawing for the young artist and student. Each lesson builds on the preceding one in a way that makes it fun to learn to draw.
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The Manuel Rosenberg Course in Newspaper Art
Published as a practical introduction to newspaper illustration and using actual drawings by the author, this book remains an entertaining and useful demonstration of the way an artist can capture the imagination and the attention of an audience. Anyone working in publishing whether in print or on the web will enjoy this ebook.
How Harry Cook Learned to Draw
Student's freehand drawing journal from Dartmouth College, 1897-1898

An Elementary Course in Free Hand Geometrical Drawing
Practical Drawing by E. G. Lutz
This is my new favorite How To Book, it covers just about all the topics anyone would need in an art career.
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How to Draw and Paint
Anatomical Diagrams For the Use of Art Students
Artists' Models in New York
Download this article from an 1883 edition of Century Magazine for free.
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